Sometimes when I work on my computer, be it for this blog, or for various projects for work, I work better if I venture out of the house. Today's forecast had me headed towards downtown OKC and landing in the magical area of Hudson and 8th Street....at Elemental Coffee. The weather was right, so I took my car and made an afternoon of it! I spent the time working on the next Appalachian Trail entry and hope to have it ready in the next few days. Elemental is an excellent hang. They're self-described as a small-batch roastery and cafe. I've had several of their deli foods and have always been impressed. The twist is that I hate coffee. Always have. Every once in a while someone will nag me enough to try theirs (oh, but you'll like this)....which serves to confirm that I do not enjoy the way coffee tastes when I drink it. It tastes bad. I don't like it. I don't want any. I DO like the smell however...and I appreciate the process, as it is similar in ways to brewing beer. What I WILL tell you, is that Element has EXCELLENT coffee! I know this because my friend Justin is a connoisseur, and says they know their stuff. I trust Justin. If he told me the world was flat, I'd start strapping down my vehicles so they didn't roll off the edge. Elemental also has kombucha...which is what I order. Like all good coffee shops, they have wifi....so you're only cool there if you have a laptop. I take two just to be safe. But seriously....the real reason I left the house....was to drive my car. I absolutely...love...driving...this...car. 1976 BMW 2002 This car came to me in June of 1999. My parents helped me buy it, with me saving money mowing yards and doing odd jobs, and them matching my contributions. I was 15 years old. I couldn't even drive it for three months until I got my permit that August. Let me tell you, this car had so many coats of wax on it that airplanes couldn't fly over our house. It was my only vehicle for many years. These days I have a Toyota Tacoma for my daily driver, and am able to get the 02 (oh-two) out when I want. As silly as it sounds, I relate to the 02 in so many ways. It looks pretty good, but is not perfect. It's not all souped up and muscular, but rather quick and nimble. It's kind of weird, occasionally cantankerous, makes odd sounds at odd times, and has a distinct olfactory note about its person. I love it. It's also tough. It can take abuse, work really hard, and push limits like you'd never imagine. It will bring laughter, excitement, anguish, and heartache. It takes the basics to operate and will run really hard on very little. It's a machine. I love it. So, go visit Elemental Coffee sometime, tell me how delicious it is, and have some kombucha too.
And if you ever want to roll in the car....let me know. I don't need my arm twisted to get out and rip. Get outside this week! bc Comments are closed.